Membership is Open to All Interested Women

Women of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to join. There are no membership requirements, except a desire to contribute to your community. 

We work hard at fundraising in order to give back.  We also enjoy making new friends and socializing during meetings and other organizational events. 

Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month (except no meetings in July and August). Dues are $100 annually. Purchasing a custom nametag for $7.50 is strongly encouraged.

 If you are interested in joining, please contact us


Monthly Meetings

are held at the 

 La Quinta Inn, 501 Hwy 2147 W, Marble Falls, Texas

3rd floor Conference Room

Lunch :  11:30-Noon

Meeting:  Noon-1pm

December meeting is held in the evening

 Cost:  $20 for meal catered by Miss Vickie's Catering

Reservations are required and must be made by noon the Wednesday before the meeting



For questions about any of our community programs or to make a donation, please contact us
P.O. Box 1697, Marble Falls, TX 78654